Evan, The Early Years
Evan was born in East Los Angeles to Beverly and Leon Goldstein and lived only 10 minutes from where his parents grew up and met in Boyle Heights. From East LA, they moved to a Jewish community in the Fairfax area in the early 70s. He met many holocaust survivors and attended Hebrew school until they moved to North Hollywood.
He picked up his first camera while entering high school as a way to stay busy during the summer. He took a couple of photography classes and quickly discovered his love of photography. After seeing how much he loved photography, his mother bought him his first medium format film camera, and he booked his first of many weddings.
Today, he is still going strong and loves photography as much as he did when he first discovered his passion and creativity. He has worked with hundreds of couples, individuals, and families and far exceeded their expectations. Many of his clients return to have him capture their growing family and special life moments.

I’m the cute one in the middle!
The Guston Name
Evan has been inspired by the family member he never met!
Evan named his studio after Philip Guston, brother to his grandfather Isadore aka “Goldie”. Philip is known for his murals, incisive, cartoonish paintings, and drawings of everyday scenes to narrative political satire. He went to high school with Jackson Pollock and was instrumental in shaping the art of the 20th Century.
Evan remembers in 1980 his mother showed him the memorial article written in the Los Angeles Times Calendar section. This seems to be when Evan realized the extent of how influential Philip Guston was in the art world.
The family admired Philip greatly, and when Evan started his photography studio in 1990, he named it Evan Guston Photography as a tribute to Philip and his creative energy.
In 1998 a client of Evan’s contacted him early on a Sunday morning that there was a showing of Philip Guston’s work on display. The mural was painted between 1935 – 1936 by Philip Goldstein “Guston” and Reuben Kadish. The mural was about to be painted over when the curator at the City of Hope made known the significance of the mural. It had been restored between 1997–98. At the reopening, there were many other works of Philip Guston on display.
Evan is known throughout the industry by his studio name, Evan Guston.
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.