I had the honor of photographing, sir Carrie Lynn Cooper’s portrait. When the session was over, I asked his wife, Rachel, if she could supply me with his achievements and accolades. I was blown away with the list that followed . . . . .
Professor Sir Cary Cooper, CBE, is the 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at the ALLIANCE Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK (2015-today), previously he was Pro Vice Chancellor and Distinguished Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University (2003-2015). He is the immediate Past President of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, President of Institute of Welfare and past Chair of the Academy of Social Sciences, former President of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and the British Academy of Management (was Founding President of BAM). He is the author/editor of over 250 books, over 450 scholarly articles and a regular contributor to radio and TV. He was awarded an CBE by the Queen in 2001 for services to occupational health, and Knighted by the Queen in 2014 for his contribution to the social sciences.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management (14 volumes and in its 3rd Edition); Editor of Who’s Who in Management; Editor of the Wiley-Blackwell WELLBEING volumes (six); Founding Editor of the Journal of Organizational Behavior, Founding and Former Chair of the UK government think tank The Sunningdale Institute and lead scientist on the UK Government Office for Science Foresight project on Mental Capital and Wellbeing; and was the Chair of the Global Agenda Council on Chronic Diseases from 2010-2011 of the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM and then as a member of the Global Agenda Council on Mental Health & Wellbeing of WEF from 2012-2015. He has also been an advisor to various agencies of the European Commission, the European Council, the European Central Bank and the UN’s World Health Organisation and ILO in the health and wellbeing arena. Over a number of years, he was voted by HR Magazine as the Most Influential HR Thinker and was elected to the HR Hall of Fame. He is an Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Royal College of Physicians, The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (Occupational Medicine) and many more; and has Honorary Doctorates from a number of universities (eg Sheffield, Bath, Aston, Heriot Watt, Middlesex, Wolverhampton, Chester and Bolton). Professor Cooper created, and is Co-Chair, of the National Forum for Health and Wellbeing at Work, an employer’s organisation of over 40 global employers (eg. BP, Microsoft, BT, Shell, Rolls Royce, GSK, NHS Employers, UK Government (Wellbeing Lead), John Lewis Partnership, Fujitsu, BBC, Aon, EY, etc), represented by HR Directors, Chief Medical Officers and Directors of Health & Wellbeing of these organisations.
Some of his most recent books in the field of occupational health psychology: Wellbeing: Productivity and Happiness at Work (Palgrave Macmillan, London & New York, 2019), Wellbeing at Work (Kogan Page, London. 2020), Handbook of Stress and Health (Wiley/Blackwell, Oxford & New York, 2017), Wellbeing: A Complete Reference Guide:6 volumes, Oxford & New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), 21st Century Workforces & Workplaces (Bloomsbury, London, 2018), Presenteeism at Work (Cambridge University Press, 2018), The Apology Impulse (London: Kogan Page, 2019—New York City Best Marketing Book Award 2020), Work & Stress (London: Routledge, 2019), Handbook on Research on the Psychological Contract at Work (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019), Flexible Work: Designing Our Healthier Future Lives (London & NY: Routledge, 2020), Brexit in the Workplace (London: Routledge, 2020); Organizational Stress Around the World (London & NY: Routledge, 2021); The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Wellbeing (London and California: Sage Publications, 2021); A Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Wellbeing (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2021); Managing Workplace Health and Wellbeing During a Crisis (London: Kogan Page, 2022); Remote Workplace Culture (London: Kogan Page Publishers, 2022).
It really makes me wonder what I’ve been doing my whole life!

“Classic, black-and-white portraiture”
Choosing a Location
Understanding the usage of your portrait is always a great starting point. For these portraits, they may be used for a book jacket, a speaking engagement, or for the usage on the University web site. I have tried to show something more intimate that will convey who the subject is.
Black & White or Color
The great thing about digital is that everything can be converted to a black-and-white photo. That being said, my vision, for these portraits was definitely to be produced in Black and White. I’ve have also posted a color image for comparison.